Today we are pleased to bring to your attention that the all new Providence Report is now live! The Reporter is here to give you a rundown on what it is and how we hope it will benefit our subscribers!

We have officially launched the all new Providence Report website and are excited for you to check it out and let us know what you think!
Providence Report is a second website that we created to highlight the news and information of the day that Christians should be aware of. Providence Report actually preexisted Equip the Faithful, but has been in hiatus for some time. We have been in the process of revamping and updating it concurrently with developing Equip the Faithful. We truly believe that these two sites will be excellent companions and that they each serve a vital purpose.
Equip the Faithful is designed to provide uplifting and edifying content equipping Christians to live out their calling to be salt and light and to take every thought captive for Christ. Providence Report offers timely reports of God's providence and workings in the world through a weekly digest of news and information as well as missionary spotlights and updates of mission work happening at home and abroad.
You will now find two new links on the Equip the Faithful menu:
Providence Report Weekly
Missionary Updates

Providence Report Weekly Digest
The "Providence Report Weekly" link will take you to the main feature of the Providence Report web site, which is the Weekly Digest. The Weekly Digest highlights a series of articles and news stories, published in the current week, of importance to the Christian.

Providence Report Weekly Digest stories are presented as Snapshots of the Week. These "snapshots" are intended to give our faithful readers a quick sampling of important blog articles, opinion pieces, news reports, or videos that we believe are of value or significance. Clicking on a snapshot will link the reader directly to the original source.

Snapshots are updated throughout the week, so the Providence Report Weekly Digest should always be current. Nothing you find on the main page will be more than a week old.
If the Weekly Digest is a feature that you find to be valuable, please let us know by using the comment feature at the bottom of this post!
Missionary Updates
The Equip the Faithful menu also has a link to "Missionary Updates". This is another special feature of the new Providence Report website. Clicking this link will take the reader directly to the Missionary Updates page, which contains a map with selectable continents.

Clicking on a continent will bring up links to all of the Equip the Faithful Missionary Spotlights and Updates from the selected part of the world in one convenient place. This is a fun and intuitive way to find out what Christian Missionaries have done and are currently doing across the world.

The world is in need of the saving grace only available through Christ. Christian missionaries, both home and abroad, are the tip of the spear of the Church's outreach to those who need the Gospel. Oftentimes their work goes unnoticed. We want to help bring missionary efforts into focus so that our readers can uplift them in prayer and support them in difficult circumstances.
Since Equip the Faithful is just in its first few months of existence, we only have a few Missionary Spotlights available at this time, but we are excited to see this feature expand as we continue to contribute new articles. If you like this feature and think it will be useful, please let us know by leaving a comment!
Providence Report Archives
Lastly, we intend to keep an ever-expanding archive of our Weekly Digest Snapshots as a historical record of events. Links to all of the previous Weekly Digests will be available in our Archives. We also have our Legacy Archives available so that readers can see the original incarnation of the site as it existed when it was first launched several years ago.

Thank you for your interest in what we are doing here at Equip the Faithful. We want to continue making Scripturally-sound content, and providing access to faith-affirming material that will equip believers to take on the world! We hope that you find the all-new Providence Report to be useful and a blessing. It is our desire that it becomes a trusted source of news and information for you and your family.

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