Homeschooling provides wonderful opportunities to experience God's blessings for your entire family. If you have children attending a public school, we pray that you would consider homeschooling as a God-honoring alternative.
Christian homeschooling families steer their children's hearts toward God as they build a unique family-focused culture, while fully enjoying the flexibility afforded by creating a safe haven for their children.

Homeschooling provides spiritual benefits. A Biblical worldview can be established within the heart of each child; their faith is strengthened as the Bible is incorporated into every subject. Heart issues can be addressed immediately and lovingly. Children are not molded by popular culture; rather, all media encountered can be filtered through a Biblical lens. Children and families are afforded the opportunity to live out a Christian life as ministering to others becomes a part of school. As an extension, children become proficient at respectfully and sincerely interacting with others.
Homeschooling re-aligns the focus of the family to the home and to the God-given talents and abilities of each member. Parents spend time with children that would otherwise be lost; strong sibling relationships are fostered. While some carefully selected extracurricular activities may be part of the weekly plan, these activities contribute to the focus of the whole family. A lifestyle is created that encourages learning in all areas, including academics, life skills, personal interests, and ministry.
Perhaps one of the most sought-after rewards of homeschooling is the flexibility afforded. Each family is able to create an educational experience best suited to each child and to the family as a whole. Choice of subjects, curriculum (or not!), speed and style of each lesson, and the school calendar are all able to be selected to fit each family's goals. Lessons become active investigations rather than worksheets; time is available to delve deeper into topics or to take field trips. Students work toward mastery of content rather than a cursory overview to meet testing deadlines. All learning styles are welcomed, celebrated, and incorporated into daily learning opportunities.

When a family chooses to homeschool, a unique learning environment is created where each child can flourish. If your child needs to take extra time to achieve mastery, take it. Does one parent thoroughly enjoy a subject or topic? Let them take the instructional lead. Integrate school into family life. Perhaps history reading occurs as a family at bedtime and is discussed and explored the next day. Some subjects can be investigated as a family, incorporating children of all ages in the same study, while others are best suited when littles are napping. School can happen at the dining room table, on a picnic blanket outside, cuddled on the couch, or hiking through the woods. Is your child feeling frustrated? Take a break, change the method of instruction or find a mnemonic. You know and love your children more than anyone else. Teach them. When you wake up or walk along the way, teach them to love God; or the world will teach them not to.
Yes, homeschooling is hard, but God will give us wisdom to make the best decisions for our children. Yes, homeschooling is hard, but even harder is having a child return from college to announce his turn to atheism because of the influence of modern society. Yes, homeschooling is hard, but its benefits for children and the entire family are felt for generations.

If we can answer questions about homeschooling or be an encouragement to you as you begin or continue this journey, please leave a comment below.
Please visit for more information concerning state requirements to homeschool.

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