Peter and Miriam De Winkle - Missionary Spotlight

May 15, 2022 5 min read
Peter and Miriam De Winkle - Missionary Spotlight

Directed by God to Suriname, Peter and Miriam De Winkle, along with their children, seek to reach remote tribes and villages in the jungle with the knowledge of the gospel and the love of God.

Country Spotlight


The Flag of Suriname

The smallest country in South America with a population of just over one half million people, Suriname lies just north of Brazil. Primarily a tropical rainforest, Suriname's economy is based upon its natural resources, including bauxite, gold, petroleum, and various agricultural products. Dutch, the official language, is only spoken by sixty percent of the population; much more common is an English-based creole language, Sranan Tongo. Christianity, Hinduism and Islam comprise the majority of religions found in Suriname. Education is compulsory until age twelve. Tourism also significantly contributes to the economy as travelers throughout the world come to experience the flora and fauna of the Amazonian rainforests in the southern part of the country. The landscape is full of scenic waterfalls; almost thirty percent of the country is a nature reserve. 1

Palm garden, Paramaribo, Suriname


Both born in California to Dutch parents, Peter and Miriam each experienced the blessing of being raised in a Christian home. Each came to know Christ personally at the age of five and began understanding the importance of sharing their faith and helping others. Peter spent his childhood on the family farm, learning the value of hard work, ingenuity, and the innerworkings of mechanical engines.  As he grew, Peter began to realize that being a missionary pilot was the best combination of skills and interests that God had given him. Likewise, helping others was demonstrated to Miriam throughout her childhood. In addition to her parents, Miriam's aunt (a Wycliffe Bible translator in Cameroon) shared examples of God working through situations and people. Both Peter and Miriam developed a desire to share the gospel while helping others. Peter and Miriam married in 2007 and have been blessed with five children. They enjoy serving God together and look forward to seeing how God will use them for His glory. 2

Current Ministry Opportunities

Village in Suriname

The De Winkle family recently returned to Suriname after a summer furlough. While completing the required quarantine, Peter and Miriam experienced the love of friends and villagers as supplies and food were brought daily. The children are beginning a new adventure--attending international Christian school full time. While Peter serves on the school board, Miriam is a substitute teacher several days a week. God is using these new contacts for His glory. In addition, Peter maintains three airvans and flies to the jungle throughout the week. 3

A new project is in the early stages of development but promises to be very exciting. The plan involves reaching villages in remote parts of the jungle with radio broadcasts so that they also can hear the gospel. More information will be shared as the project continues to grow. Peter spent much time in December 2021 delivering special packages full of food, clothes, toys and other gifts for children to remote villages for Christmas. 4

Prayer Requests

Please pray that the Lord will give the De Winkles wisdom as they seek to serve through feeding the needy, the school's board and neighborhood outreach.  Most importantly, pray for God to continue to open hearts to the gospel in Suriname.

Additional Information

For more additional information about the De Winkle family and their ministry in Suriname, please visit De Winkle, Peter and Miriam - Mission Aviation Fellowship (

Mission Organization

Mission Aviation Fellowship

MAF - Mission Aviation Fellowship

For more than seventy-five years, Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) has been endeavoring to reach isolated peoples throughout the world with the Gospel. From the Waorani people of South America to the Dani people of Papua, Indonesia, missionary pilots have coordinated the demonstration of God's love to the most remote. By eliminating some of the physical barriers of isolation such as jungles, mountains, and deserts, missionaries are given opportunities to enrich communities in the following ways:

Community Development – MAF missionaries often supply remote villages with food, clean water, and other necessities.

Education – From transporting students to schools or teachers to remote areas to begin schools, MAF missionaries ensure that educational opportunities are met and that supplies are delivered.

Church Support – MAF missionaries meet the needs of transportation of Western missionaries, pastors desiring to attend conferences, or even local Christians desiring to share their faith with neighboring people.  

Disaster Response – MAF pilots provide disaster relief through delivering supplies and providing communication to isolated villages.

Technology – Assisting villages with technology encourages every facet of missionary work; from theological training to medical consultations, the introduction of technology through MAF's efforts is assisting those serving remote villages with the demonstration of God's love and faithfulness.

Making Disciples – MAF pilots fulfill Jesus' command to make disciples both personally and in assisting others as they reach isolated peoples.

Bible translation – Whether delivering shipments of newly translated Bibles or transporting those with translating experience, MAF pilot missionaries are an integral part of this critical process.

Training – MAF pilots also provide mechanical training to locals, often providing them a reliable source of future employment.

Medical Care – Pilots are often asked to transport patients to the nearest clinic, foregoing long treks over difficult terrain. In addition, MAF pilots will convey other medical supplies, personnel, and medication to otherwise inaccessible locations. 5

Nate Saint and four other missionaries make contact with the Waorani people. Please see History - Mission Aviation Fellowship ( for more information.

Because of the ingenuity of some World War II veterans and the faithful service of God's followers, such as Betty Green and Nate Saint, among others, Mission Aviation Fellowship has been God's hands and feet to people living in the most remote regions of the world. 6




3. DeWinkle-Nov-2021-final.pdf

4. DeWinkle-Christmas-2021-final.pdf



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